Why Choose Camel?
Other options are available for small- and medium-sized businesses - but buyer beware.
Lending has changed drastically over the years and many new options have arisen - especially online - for companies seeking financing. The ease of access and minimum requirements with paperwork is attractive to many small- and medium-sized businesses but the actual cost of utilizing these services is alarming. However, as traditional banks become more regulated, access to lower interest rates are limited to multi-million dollar companies with comprehensive accounting capabilities. Camel offers a bridge between the harder money lenders and traditional banks for companies that are experiencing cash-flow issues. While our rates are more than a bank line-of-credit, they are significantly lower than their online counterparts.
Call Camel today and see how we can make your assets work for you!
Invoice Factoring

Factoring is a well-known cash-flow generating business practice that has been in existence since privatized, global trade became commonplace in the early 1700's. Companies discount and sell their individual invoices to get access to immediate cash-flow and completely transfer all ownership rights to the purchasers. Invoice factoring serves companies with high accounts receivables or foreign receivables with varying credit terms as it puts the burden of collection on the purchaser and adds more liquidity to their current assets. However, the sale of the invoice requires the full value of the asset to be taken at the time of purchase which significantly lowers the actual value of the asset for the company.
ACH Loans/Merchant Cash Advances

A relatively new, alternative form of financing that is taking the business world by storm. These lenders utilize technology to quickly reach lending decisions and require very little initial information or collateral to get the process started. However, convenience and ease have a cost and these loans typically carry interest rates between 70-120%.
The model does provide relief for cash-intensive businesses with seasonal spikes but the long-term effects of servicing the high-interest debt can cause companies to fold under the weight.
Small Business Loans

Widely known as the most common form of debt financing, small business loans are among the least funded debt financing. According to Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Cleveland, small business owners seeking financing through traditional bank lines have only a 20% chance of being funded. While there are several reasons for the denial (increased regulations, lack of preparation, required collateral, bad/no credit, shrinking community banks, and weak cash-flows), one of the more probable factors is that smaller loans (< $500,000) are just not profitable to banks. These applications require the same due diligence and attention as a larger line, but because the amount is relatively low, so too is the return.
Camel understands the undue burden placed on business seeking traditional lines and works with your company to provide flexible forms of financing without the mountains of paperwork or restrictions. That's why we say, "when banks say no... we say YES!"
Lets Get Started!
Learn, Compare, Begin
With so many ways to utilize your additional cash-flow, why hasn't your company utilized an asset-based revolver? Learn about the processes, compare our product with other forms of alternative finance, or jump right into the application process by submitting a detailed aging - whichever works for best for you, Camel is here to help your company with its cash-flow needs.